About us
VMscope GmbH Berlin was founded in December 2004 as spin-off from the Institute of Pathology, Charité Berlin. Since then, the team develops and distributes software in the field of Virtual Microscopy.
As Charité spin-off VMscope can base on the necessary expertise and a direct connection to the pathology department. As young and innovative company, VMscope is furthermore flexible and motivated to also arrange individual solutions according to customer’s demands.
We develop customised solutions in the field of Virtual Microscopy. We focus on standardised formats and -interfaces in order to offer our customers an ideal integration into the local system infrastructure. Our solutions aim on facilitating the work and offer potentials, light microscopy can not cope with. In short, our solutions are:
“Beyond the scope of microscopy”
The following companies are important partners of VMscope GmbH:
VMscope hat mit Nexus/DIS eine Virtuelle Mikroskopie Integration in das Nexus/Pathologie System entwickelt.
VMscope hat mit BasysData, Schweiz im Kantonsspital St. Gallen eine Anbindung an PathoWin+ realisiert.
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and 13485:2021 Certificate
Quality management system certified
according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
by mdc medical device certification GmbH
Scope: “Development, production and sales of software for medicine with a focus on pathology as well as maintenance, support and services in this area as well as sales of hardware in the same area”
Register No.: D1496000002
as well as DIN EN ISO 13485:2021
by mdc medical device certification GmbH
Scope:”Development, production and sales of analysis software for diagnostics in the field of oncology”
Register No.: D1496000003
VMscope GmbH is DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and 13485:2021 certified.
Quality in our company means:
Highest possible customer satisfaction
through effective and reliable products and services
Based on this our quality policy is:
- Our clientele sees great importance in intuitive and easy usability, an efficient workflow and high speed. By aligning our products with these requirements, we increase customer satisfaction and thus also improve sales and revenue for the company.
- In our market, the competitors are often large international groups from microscopy or medical technology. In contrast to those large companies, we can more efficiently provide fast processes and personal contacts, with short response times and flexible solutions. We want to exploit these advantages and make customers aware of them.
- Some of our products are used in the field of medical research and teaching. This requires a high level of reliability and validity of the results. We therefore put great importance into product tests and, where necessary, validation of the results in cooperation with users among our customers.
- Our employees shall be satisfied. Their qualification and motivation is part of the company success. Responsibility and safety at work are a matter of course in this respect.
- The maintenance and enhancement of our quality management system is a continuous incentive for quality improvements.
VMscope GmbH was decorated with prizes and awards form the beginning on. Both in the fields of technical innovation and business concept we provide award-winning quality: