Customer feedback YOUR OPINION IS IMPORTANT TO US I already use the following CMPS modules:Ki-67 Quantifier:clinicalRUOKi-67 Quantifier Usage:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverER-PR Quantifier:clinicalRUOER-PR Quantifier Usage:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverHER2 Quantifier:clinicalRUOHER2 Quantifier Usage:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverPDL1 Quantifier:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverCD3 Quantifier:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverImmuno Quantifier:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverReportHub:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverROI Manager:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverMicroscopy:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverScan Connect:more than 5 times a daydailyoccasionallyrarelyneverInterop interface:to Nexusto Co-Foxto MelosInterop interface Other:Please specify othersSatisfaction with the SoftwareI am satisfied with the scope of the softwareyesrather yesaveragerather nonoThe software does what was promisedyesrather yesaveragerather nonoThe speed of the software is fastyesrather yesaveragerather nonoThe price/performance ratio is cheapyesrather yesaveragerather nonoThe usability is simple and goodyesrather yesaveragerather nonoService satisfactionCommunication with VMscope is quick and uncomplicatedyesrather yesaveragerather nonoVMscope support was able to help me quicklyyesrather yesaveragerather nonoOverall, I am satisfied with VMscope's serviceyesrather yesaveragerather nonoOverall, I am satisfied with VMscope's serviceyesrather yesaveragerather nonoComments and messageI have the following comments on the interface/operation/usability:0 / 200The following software solution from the area of digital pathology is missing from VMscope's offering:0 / 200This could make VMscope even better:0 / 200Further comments and recommendations:0 / 200If you would like to take part in a discount campaign (like the current “20 Years of VMscope” campaign), or if we would like to contact you in any other way, please leave us your email address here (voluntary):HTMLHere you will find information about our data protection.Thank you for filling out the questionnaire! This will help us a lot,to improve ourselves and our software.Send We are looking forward to your message We look forward to your inquiries and questions about our products and services. Kai Saeger +49 (0)30 450536188 Uwe Paschmann +49 (0)171 8351118 60349